Sunday, November 7, 2010


"Torment" is the second book in the Fallen books written by Lauren Kate. I must warn you there are spoilers if you haven't read "Fallen" yet.

When we last left Luce, Daniel and Cam all Hell had broken loose at Sword and Cross...literally. Now Luce is being whisked away to yet another new school where Daniel thinks she will be long as she follows the rules. The only thing is he won't tell her why. Little does she know that she is being hunted by more then just the good and evil angels but a whole lot of people. Now that she knows that she has lived several lifetimes Luce is eager to find out what those secrets those lifetimes held. She wants Daniel to tell her, but if he does it will kill her.

Along the way at Shoreline she meets new friends and discovers her ability to read the "shadows". Her friends help her with this new talent and get themselves in trouble along the way. Some things she learns has her head spinning, like why would Daniel and Cam be working together, and how she and Daniel are looked up to by everyone. Another war is brewing...this time there is one person who can tip the balance...Luce thinks it's Daniel...I personally think that it is Luce (just my opinion). Luce is also kept away from Daniel, her family, and her friends back home. She is contstantly tormented by her past, Daniel's keeping secrets from her, and what her future may entail.

The ending of the book will leave you spell bound and wondering why authors can't write any faster :)! I was SHOCKED...but it works! Unfortunatly now we have to wait until next fall to find out if Daniel can find Luce and what secrets she unlocks!

I gave this book 5 stars! LOVED IT!

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