Suddenly Sam finds himself in a fight with the snobs from the private school on the hill for power of Perdido Beach...and what power there is! Kids are suddenly showing signs of having immense and strange powers...throwing light that can kill from their hands...levitate things....move like the breeze...heal themselves and others...and that is just the beginning! Not only are the kids mutating and is the wildlife!
This is a great read...very sci-fi though so if you not into science fiction you might not like them. I am not really as sci-fi lover and I will tell you that I couldn't put this book down! It was all I could do to wait for the other two from the library!
It will really make you think about what would happen in that kind of situation. I kept wondering how my own kids would be able to survive...kind of a scary thought!
I give this book 5 stars!
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